
Chris Parson
Property owner of a detached
house in Waterloo (ON)
Before having Impluvium installed I thought that my sump pump ran "every now and then".
As it turns out, my pump runs every few minutes when it is raining! Installing a back up pump seemed like a hassle but the data from Impluvium has shown me that it is probably necessary (better than a flood in my finished basement).
I find it convenient to be able to check on the status of my sump pump without going down to the basement, interesting to look at the time series data during storms and reassuring to know that I'll be notified in case of a problem.
I was also surprised by how easy Impluvium was to install and set up, it took less than 10 minutes to get working.
Support has been excellent and the app is easy to use, responsive and stable.
It is also nice to know that when I do get a backup pump Impluvium will be able to monitor that as well!
FROM Edmonton(ab)

In the past I’ve had issues with the sump pump failing on at least two occasions resulting in overflows and costly emergency calls to plumbers to rectify the situation. I’ve only recently become aware of sump pump monitors and set out to investigate a solution.
Internet searches usually pointed me to the ubiquitous products sold by H.D. and the like, but I stumbled across a product made by a small Ontario company called 4DSensing (www.4dsensing.ca). Their product was more expensive than the competition, but their web site indicated that water flows were monitored by a laser device (not sure how the other products do it). So, I took the plunge and ordered their sump pump alarm system.
The first impressions out of the box were very positive. The head unit is made of heavy gauge solid steel casing, not plastic as other competing products. The included manual was in color, detailed and easy to follow.
So now on to the installation. Unfortunately, my sump installation was some 40 years old so I wasn’t able to take advantage of the screwless installation as set out in the manual. Instead, I had to insert two screws in the sump to mount the white clips that held the head mount installation. This is a tube that contains a reflective float puck and laser unit on top to measure water level fluctuations in the tube. A picture of the installed pipe is shown.
From there finishing the installation was quite easy. I’m 78 years old and had no problem inserting the pipe in the sump and then following the clear and concise instructions in the manual to setup the phone app and monitoring function. I will stress that if you’ve a newer sump installation, it’s a simple manner of mounting the white two clips and the head mount tube shown above (no screws) on your discharge pipe. What I really like is the fact that you can graph up to a years’ performance of the water inflows and sump pump performance (better seen on the dashboard on a PC monitor).
It works exactly as shown in the manual with no surprises. From end to end this a finished product. I’ll close by adding that customer support is excellent. I once sent in a question on a Sunday afternoon and received a response a few hours later that same day.
While the product may cost a few bucks more than the competition, you get what you pay for and I’ve no problem recommending a first-rate unit.

mike Creighton
Property owner of a lake view cottage in Muskoka (ON)
The impluvium system works very
well just knowing that the sump pumps are monitored while I am not at home and alerts me gives me comfort.
It is good that it monitors the flow rate and cycle times I can tell if ice or other blockages are occurring and gives me time to react.
All in all I am very impressed with the system.

john r.
"The setup was fairly straight forward even for an old fuddy-duddy like myself.
I have to say that I am very happy so far, it's a little scary to think about how fast it is cycling, but at least I will get alerted if there is an issue and I can check it as often as I want when we are out of the house. So we can get someone to the house if there is an issue"
Doug R.
FROM Burlington(on)

This has absolutely become one of the most valuable assets that I own. I rarely write reviews. But I’ll happily do one here. I did a lot of research on sump pump monitoring systems, from aftermarket add-ons to built-in systems offered by sump pump manufacturers. I couldn’t find anything that compares to this Impluvium device. Other systems use a sensor that floats when water gets high enough. Or several sensors. Some of the better ones monitor how often the pump draws electricity. Some monitor your backup battery.
Impluvium is different. It tracks and monitors the water level - all the time. To the millimeter. It sees the water level rising and falling, instantly. That means it can measure how fast water is coming in, and how long the pump takes to pump it out. And then it tracks that information, and graphs it, and lets you create alerts for your cell phone and email. Here’s what it can give you with that information:
(1) Whether the water level is falling unusually slowly during pumping. That’s a warning the pump is failing and it’s time to think about arranging for a replacement.
(2) Whether water level is rising unusually quickly in between pumping cycles. That could be a warning about a foundation issue, or that heavy rains may be about to overwhelm your pump.
(3) Whether the water level in the sump is dangerously high and starting to approach overflowing.
(4) If room temperature is dangerously low (freezing) or high (pump overheating)
(5) Whether there has been a power failure (the Impluvium device has its own internal, rechargeable battery backup – if you have arranged for battery backup on your Wi-Fi system, the Impluvium device will be able to email you an alert about the power failure at the time when you need it most – when the power is still off. Not when the power comes back on and the house is already flooded).
(6) If your sump pump has a battery backup, it will tell you about its charging status(I haven’t used this feature yet, so I can’t say any more about it).
I installed an Impluvium unit my cottage, where I previously just had a flood detector sitting on the floor. It took me less than an hour to install and right away, I could see the water level in the sump using my phone, and how often the pumping cycles were occurring. For the first time in years, I walked away with peace of mind. Instead of a flood detector that alerts me after a flood has occurred, I have a device that is more likely to give me an idea, maybe days ahead of time, that a problem is developing.
I know this review sounds like a sales pitch. But I don’t work for the company. This thing has given me so much peace of mind that I’m very motivated to tell people about it – I’ve been showing my phone screen to everyone in my office, with it’s real-time readout of water level and how many cycles are being pumped per hour. I’ve also shown the device itself to three plumbers, all of whom have been impressed and said things like “this is excellent, we’ve got to get some of our clients onto this.” Plus the customer service was excellent and personal. I can’t say enough. And when I finally sell the property, potential purchasers (who are sometimes nervous about buying a home with a sump pump) are going to get copies of my Impluvium graphs, showing that they’re buying predictability, with a track record, not some uncertain risk.
My own motivation for technology like this comes from having been through a flood myself. My cheapest expenses were a few thousand dollars in dumpster rentals and $6,500 in dehumidifying and air filtering equipment to combat mold after the flood. My most costly expense was rebuilding the basement - and enormous amounts of my time and time off work. I am never, ever going through that again. This Impluvium device was my first step in protecting myself. It was a little more costly than some of the competitors but the features and protection are off the scale. The cost of the entire system was less than what I might have paid a flood cleanup crew for an hour. If you can crouch down and attach this to your sump and configure the app on your phone, get this. If you’re older and have to get a plumber to go down to the basement to install this and setup your phone, get this. It’s your best shot at saving yourself from what I went through when my basement flooded. I’ve come to see it as some of the best money I have ever spent.

John Savoie
Barrie (ON) Homeowner
Impluvium saved me a bundle today! This evening I received an email notification from Impluvium (4Dsensing) advising me of a sump pump failure to drain. This prompted me to go look at my sump pump, when I did inspect it, I noticed water flowing in from the black O pipe, this was odd, so I went outside to make sure the exterior drain was not plugged or iced up and that's when I discovered a water leak from an exterior water hose nozzle! We forgot to shut off an exterior water tap so the line froze and broke and had been running for who knows how long. Well, actually the Impluvium app after review showed me that my pump had ran over 150 times in the past 5 hours.
So thankful that this system alerted me of a pump failure ( I assume it failed at one point due to it running every 120 seconds) but without that notice, I would have ran thousands and thousands of liters of water and not known.
So a big thank you to the sensing this system provides, things could have been so much worse!
Thank You!
To all our Customers who Trusted us by buying our Systems and
a Special word of Thanks to those who took the time to write a Review.